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CARE International

CARE International was founded in 1945 at the end of World War II  as a humanitarian network to support the reconstruction of Europe; sending food and medical supply packages “CARE Packages” to its devastated populations. This is how the term “CARE Package” was created, helping millions of people rebuild their lives. It remains to this day a symbol of hope, friendship, and unconditional solidarity. One of these packages can be seen at the Museum of Europe here in Brussels.

Apolitical and non-denominational, CARE addresses the root causes of extreme poverty and defends human rights, in emergency situations or long-term development.

CARE Belgium

Created in 2014 as an international non-profit association (AISBL), CARE Belgium’s mission is to fight poverty and inequalities worldwide. It is active globally to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice by providing both emergency humanitarian aid and long-term development assistance.

CARE Belgium is currently active in 7 countries: Belgium, Benin, Lebanon, Palestine, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Romania and Togo through 10 projects aimed at promoting gender equality, women’s rights and their economic empowerment, food security, climate resilience, as well as humanitarian action in emergency situations, whether natural or man-made.


All CARE projects are built on a holistic approach, intervening in complementary domains to effectively combat the interdependence of the causes of poverty. We involve all local communities for effective and sustainable action, and place women, who are the first victims of poverty, at the heart of all our actions.

Our priority areas are:

  • Women’s and Girls’ empowerment;

  • Fighting Climate Change;

  • Emergency Humanitarian Aid.

Women and Girls

1 in 10 women in the world lives in extreme poverty. Gender inequalities keep women in poverty. Beyond this, it has severe impacts on the entire society. By supporting the rights of all women and their access to the same resources and opportunities as men, we change their lives, as well as those of entire communities. Equality is one of the keys to encouraging the development of an entire country.

Fighting Climate Change

We empower communities to adapt to climate change and help populations protect themselves from climate shocks and disasters to truly create climate resilience for populations.

Emergency Humanitarian Aid

Wars, natural disasters, and food crises are multiplying worldwide. The number of natural disasters has increased fivefold over the last 50 years. We provide emergency aid to populations affected by conflicts or natural disasters. 

For more information, please visit our programs page


Care Belgium AISBL

Avenue Louise 367,

1050 Brussels

+32 (0) 2 880 66 87

+32 (0) 471 621 580


© 2020  by AS PRO Agency

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