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Care Belgium


Preservation of Masoala Park and support for local
populations in different areas of agricultural activity
with an adaptation to local agro-ecological conditions

Masoala Park, very rich in biodiversity, is suitable for cultivation. Its natural resources and biodiversity are subject to all kinds of pressures (bush fires, abusive logging, poaching, illegal exploitation of protected animal and plant species, etc.) that deteriorate the living conditions of local populations.


The objective of the project is to preserve natural resources by empowering local leaders and organizing environmental education sessions in schools in the area. The program also aims to improve the income of local people. The program also aims to improve the income of local people by encouraging them to produce vegetable seeds, develop small-scale livestock farming (beekeeping, fish farming) and sell their products to markets in the region.

  • Beneficiaries: 53,818 women and children (7 villages)

  • Total budget: €384,185

  • Main donor: Europeaid

Care Belgium AISBL

Avenue Louise 367,

1050 Brussels

+32 (0) 2 880 66 87

+32 (0) 471 621 580


© 2020  by AS PRO Agency

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